Once you've searched an index to find articles, you may need to use Get it at UC to link to a PDF or html file if the full text is not immediately available. Each database is a bit different, but a good rule of thumb is:
Index of interdisciplinary global publications covering research in the history of science, medicine and technology. (HistSciTechMed) [1976 - present]
Indexes books, journals, proceedings, and dissertations worldwide about research in the history of science, medicine, technology, and related fields. Subjects covered include agriculture, biology, construction, chemistry, energy, engineering, geology, linguistics, mathematics, medicine, music, philosophy, physics, social sciences, town planning, transport engineering, and zoology.
Access to the digitized version of the printed Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, U.S. Army. Contains materials from the 15th Century through 1950, primarily journal articles, books, dissertations, pamphlets, and reports. Also includes access to eTK for medieval Latin texts and eVK2 for medieval English texts, along with links to other selected NLM resources.
Digitized version of the Index-Catalogue, the multi-part printed bibliography or list of items in the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, U.S. Army. Contains over 4.5 million online references to over 3.7 million bibliographic items including 2.5 million items journal articles, 250,000 monographs (books, pamphlets, and reports), and approximately 300,000 dissertations. Covers up through 1961 imprints.
Indexes leading journals in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences. Allows cited reference searching. (ISI Web of Knowledge) [1900 - present]
Includes the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present), Science Citation Index Expanded (1900-present), Social Sciences Citation Index (1900-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1990-present), Book Citation Index (2005-present), and Emerging Sources Citation Index (2005-present).