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Literature in English

Browse library materials for the study of literature in English

Searching for African Authors in English

Bubble Map of African Continent with Numbers of Authors in different Locations

Click on the above map to explore it on Tableau Public. The interactive map can filter by country; presumed gender; or last name.

This data is based on Ohio University's African Authors dataset from 2020 with updates from additional literature surveys. You can find the dataset used for the map through Tableau Public or as a CSV (chart, openable with Google Sheets or Excel) on GitHub. If you'd like to see an author added or note a mistake in the data, please let the UC Berkeley's Literatures librarian know. Happily, new authors continue to publish and we'd be delighted to keep adding names.

Collections of African Literature

Scholarship through Journals


Individual Titles

Reference in African Literature

African Studies

For additional sources and support, please take a look at UC Berkeley's African Studies Library Guide.