Minority Data Resource Center
Contains lots of free public health datasets for downloading on issues that affect race and ethnic minority populations. The data covers housing, health, education, crime, income and wealth, youth behavior, and politics. Can search by state or city to see data available for that location.
Minority Health (CDC)
Statistics include: Demographics, High Prevalence Health Issues, Health Disparities, and more related to different ethnic groups.
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander National Health Interview Survey
Over 3000 households with containing one or more NHPI were surveyed using the National Health Interview Survey. Access the survey instrument and raw data files.
Office of Minority Health/Population Profiles
These profiles provide detailed demographic, language fluency (where relevant), education, economic, insurance coverage and health status information, as well as full census reports on Black/African Americans, American Indian/Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, Hispanic/Latinos, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islanders.
Provides data visualizations of AARP research. Provides access to datasets. Some are accessible online and others available by request.
Access to state-level health and demographic data about adults with disabilities. Includes mapping capabilities, and the ability to compare geographic areas.
Provides global disability and rehab data.
Interactive search tools, disability status reports, and research tools for finding US disability statistics.
Disability Statistics: Information, Charts, Graphs and Tables
World health and disability statistics including data and facts on age, area, types, and population numbers of people with disabilities. From Disabled World.
Statistics on adults with disabilities in the US.
Foreign Born in California
California Immigrant Portal
Also: try selecting "Indicators" and explore immigration status, mixed status families, residency of arrival, and refugee arrivals.
Johnson, Hans; Perez, Cesar Alesi; Mejia, Marisol Cuellar
Fact Sheet: Immigrants in California
Public Policy Institute of California
March 2021
California Demographics - Foreign Born and U.S. Born
Migration Policy Initiative
U.S. Census
QuickFacts: California
Select "Foreign born persons, percent, 2015-2019" under Population Characteristics.
AARP Data & Tools
Provides infographics and datasets on aging.
AARP State Data
Includes state-specific statistics on the 50+ population. Topics covered include demographic data, health expenditures and financing, health status, Medicare enrollment, utilization and quality of services, economic indicators, and state housing profiles.
AGing Integrated Database (AGID)
Provides access to the Adminstration for Community Living-related program performance results, surveys and other data files.
The site includes data resources, aging-related statistical information including the Older Americans: Key Indicators of Well-being report.
California Department of Aging
Demographic data, services to elderly statistics, and more are available.
Healthy Aging Data Portfolio (CDC)
Access the most current CDC data on key indicators of health and well-being, screenings and vaccinations, and mental health among older adults.
Health and Retirement Study
This is a longitudinal study that surveys thousands of Americans over the age of 50 every two years. It began in 1992. It looks in-depth at health, health insurance, work, retirement, income, wealth, family characteristics, and inter-generational transfers through extensive interviews with survey participants. Data products are freely available online to registered users.
Estimates of Undocumented and Eligible-to-Naturalize Populations by State
Center on Migration Studies
Immigration Statistics (US Dept. of Homeland Security)
Statistics about foreign nationals who enter or attempt to enter the United States for temporary or permanent residence through a variety of status categories, as well as subsequent actions such as apprehension, removal, or naturalization.
Unauthorized Immigrant Population Profiles
Information from the Migration Policy Institute about unauthorized immigrants in the United States: residence; arrival dates and countries of origin, education, employment, income, parental and marital status, health care coverage, and more, as well as potential eligibility for relief from deportation via deferred action.
Hayes, Joe; Hill, Laura
Undocumented Immigrants in California
Public Policy Institute of California
March 2017
Data Resources from the Center for Population Research in LGBT Health
High quality datasets useful for analysis of issues affecting sexual and gender minority populations in the United States.
A guide to US, state, and some international statistical and data sources on LGBTQ topics.
U.S. Transgender Survey
USTS is the largest survey ever devoted to the lives and experiences of trans people. Many questions were modeled after questions used in federal surveys, allowing for comparisons between the USTS sample and the U.S. population as a whole.