Image Credit: Christopher Padalinski, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
If you need assistance with locating information for your projects, please send an email to:
Kris Kasianovitz
Institute of Governmental Studies Library Director
Paul King
Circulation Supervisor / Reference / PPIC Liaison
Institute of Governmental Studies Library
(510) 643-6430
UC Berkeley Subject Librarians
Business Librarian, Hillary Schiraldi
Comparative Ethnic Studies Librarian,
Sine Hwang Jensen
Sociology, Demography, & Quantitative Data Librarian,
Ann Glusker
Transportation Studies Librarian,
Kendra Levine
Other UC Berkeley subject librarians can be found here:
The Institute of Governmental Studies Library (IGSL) is one of the nation’s premier libraries of ephemeral and nontrade materials on American public affairs and policy.
Started in 1920 as part of the UC Berkeley Bureau of Public Administration, the collection contains a wealth of historical and contemporary primary source materials, including: pamphlets and reports from a broad spectrum of public interest organizations, research institutes and government agencies.
The library is also a depository for California local government documents and is known for its resources related to California ballot measures.
Location: 109 Philosophy Hall