Air Travel
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Aviation Administration Data & Research
The FAA conducts research to ensure that commercial and general aviation is the safest in the world. Below you will find information about how the research is done, the resulting data and statistics, and information on funding and grant data.
U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
TranStats: Aviation
A collection of aviation statistical reports from BTS.
National Transportation Safety Board
CAROL (Case Analysis and Reporting Online)
Aviation investigations, accident statistics, data sets, and safety recommendations
Bicycle Travel
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel Guide
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Bicycle Safety
League of American Bicyclists
Bicycle Commuting Data
People For Bikes
Participation Statistics
Cycling: Statistics and Facts
U.S. Census
Bicycle travel data
Freight Transportation
Assocation of American Railroads
Freight Rail Facts & Figures
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Rail Transportation
California High-Speed Rail Authority
Get the Facts
California High-Speed Rail Authority
High-Speed Rail in California
Federal Rail Administration
Data and Resources
Roads and highways
California Department of Transportation
PeMS Data Source from Caltrans
PeMS is also an Archived Data User Service (ADUS) that provides over ten years of data for historical analysis.
California Department of Transportation
Traffic Census Program
Provides traffic count information for city and county streets as well as state highways. Data sources include annual average daily traffic (AADT) reports, ramp volumes, and peak hour volume data reports.
California Energy Commission
Transforming Transportation
Legislative Analyst's Office
Assessing California's Climate Policies—Transportation
National Transportation Safety Board
Bicyclist Safety on US Roadways: Crash Risks and Countermeasures
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
Highway Statistics Series
The Highway Statistics Series consists of annual reports containing analyzed statistical information on motor fuel, motor vehicle registrations, driver licenses, highway user taxation, highway mileage, travel, and highway finance.
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
Traffic Volume Trends
Traffic Volume Trends is a monthly report based on hourly traffic count data reported by the States. These data are collected at approximately 4,000 continuous traffic counting locations nationwide and are used to estimate the percent change in traffic for the current month compared with the same month in the previous year. Estimates are re-adjusted annually to match the vehicle miles of travel from the Highway Performance Monitoring System and are continually updated with additional data.
Texas Transportation Institute
Congestion Data for Your City
Urban Mobility and Congestion Statistics—congestion index, travel delay, fuel consumption, congestion cost—for every city included in the study.
California Department of Transportation
Life-Cycle Benefit-Cost Analysis Model
The Economic Analysis Branch routinely conducts life-cycle benefit/cost analysis for proposed state highway and public transit projects. Such analysis is performed using Cal-B/C, a PC-based spreadsheet model developed by the Branch and outside consultants. Cal-B/C can be used to analyze many types of highway construction and operational improvement projects, as well as some Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and transit projects.
Seaports and Harbors
American Association of Port Authorities
Port Industry Statistics
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Port Performance Freight Statistics Program
California Association of Port Authorities
Water Transport
U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration
Data & Reports
Traffic Safety
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Motor Vehicle Safety Data
California Office of Traffic Safety
Data and Statistics
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)
Fatality Facts 2020 State by state
The number and types of motor vehicle crash deaths differ widely among the 50 states and the District of Columbia. A state's population has an obvious effect on the number of motor vehicle deaths. Fatality rates per capita and per vehicle miles traveled provide a way of examining motor vehicle deaths relative to the population and amount of driving. However, many factors can affect these rates, including types of vehicles driven, travel speeds, rates of licensure, state traffic laws, emergency care capabilities, weather and topography.
Insurance Information Institute
Facts + Statistics: Highway safety
The National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA),
Tools, Publications, and Data
Here you will find the National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA) FARS and GES/CRSS query reporting tools and traffic safety publications to choose from.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)
Climate change
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Hybrid-Electric, Plug-in Hybrid-Electric and Electric Vehicle Sales
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Domestic Freight Transportation
Environmental Protection Agency
Carbon Pollution from Transportation
Environmental Protection Agency
Fast Facts on Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Center for Biological Diversity
Transportation and Climate Change
Transportation emissions in the U.S. - statistics & facts
Transportation Research Board, The National Academies
Climate change and transportation
U.S. Department of Energy
Alternative Fuels Data Center
U.S. Department of Transportation
Electric Vehicle Types
U.S. Department of Transportation
Public Transportation’s Role in Responding to Climate Change
Updated January 2020
U.S. Energy Information Center
Today in Energy
Public Transportation
American Public Transportation Association
Public Transportation Facts
California Transit Association
Total Passengers (by county and statewide)
Metropolitan Transit Commission
Monthly Transportation Statistics (see spreadsheet with Bart ridership data from 2019-2022)
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) is the transportation planning, financing and coordinating agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area.
U.S. Census
Public Transportation tables and publications
Transportation finance/funding
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Research on Land Use and Transportation Planning
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Government Transportation Financial Statistics
California Transit Association
Transit Financial Data
Urban Institute
Highway and Road Expenditures