ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (Dissertation Abstracts) has graduate dissertations and theses from schools in North America and Europe. Berkeley Economics Undergraduate Theses are published on the Economics Department web site with permission of the student.
The following search engines/databases are entirely about economics. Consider using these first unless you are looking for a known item.
Annual Review of Economics. Reviews of the literature in economics for the year. See also the Annual Review of Financial Economics for reviews of the literature in finance.
Econlit. Most comprehensive database to scholarly journal articles in economics. Also lists books and dissertations, and articles within collective works.
Economics Research Network. Research network devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of economics research, part of the social sciences research network (SSRN).
IDEAS. Free database on economics with full-text working papers, books, book chapters, and articles from peer-reviewed journals.
National Bureau of Economics Research (NBER). Access to NBER research results through the working paper series. The NBER is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of how the economy works.
Working papers are a major vehicle of scholarly communication in economics - there are over 3900 papers currently indexed by IDEAS. The following is a selected listing of top ranked working papers with an emphasis on some of those highly cited at UC Berkeley.
Eldis. Online information service providing free access to relevant, up-to-date and diverse research on international development issues.
Google Scholar. Database for articles books and papers. On campus it connects to licensed content held by the UC libraries. To take full advantage off-campus configure the settings.
JSTOR. Thousands of scholarly journals and millions of articles. JSTOR is an archive which means that current issues (generally the most recent 3-5 years) of the journals are not available. Also includes ebooks.
PAIS International. Indexes information related to public policy, politics, economics, and international affairs.
ProQuest Social Sciences. An interdisciplinary metasearch tool. Includes EconLit, PAIS, Sociological Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts and more.
PsychInfo. Indexes journals, conference proceedings, books, reports, and dissertations in psychology and related fields. This can be useful for behavioral economics.
Social Science Research Network. Research network devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research. See especially the economics research network.
Sociological Abstracts. Indexes journals, books, dissertations, and reviews in the social sciences on sociological topics.