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Economics: Environment/ESG


Selected resources in environmental economics.  Many sources adopted from Becky Millers guide to Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Databases & Search Engines

AgEcon Search. Open access repository of full-text scholarly literature in agricultural and applied economics. (Reserach in Agricultural and Applied Economics

Agricultural & Environmental Science Database. Find citations for journals, conference proceedings, books, reports, and government publications in the agricultural and environmental sciences. [1960 - present]

AGRIS. International, multilingual database of papers, data, and statistics on agricultural research and technology produced by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

CAB Abstracts Indexes journals, monographs, conferences, books, annual reports, and other sources from the agricultural literature and from more than 100 countries. [1910 - present]

Climate Change and Human Health Literature Portal Curated bibliographic database of global peer-reviewed research and gray literature on the science of climate impacts on human health.

CUDARE Working Paper Series. UC Berkeley Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics working papers [1976 - present].

EconLit  Indexing and abstracting for international economic journal articles, books, dissertations, book reviews, and working papers. [1969 - present]

Eldis. Policy, practice, and research on international development issues

Google Scholar. Search across many disciplines and sources including articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.

IDEAS: Economics and Finance Research. Citations and full-text access to thousands of working papers, books and book chapters, and articles from peer-reviewed journals in economics. (REPEC - Research Papers in Economics) [1995 - present]

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Searchable online archive of downloadable economics working papers by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). [1994 - present]

International Data

Center for International Earth Science Information Network. Provides data and other information to advance understanding of human interactions in the environment. See especially the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center

Centre for PRTR Data.  Includes PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers; U.S. version is the Toxic Release Inventory) data from selected OECD countries.

FAOStat. A source of economic data for all types of agriculture around the world. Includes trade, production, price, emissions, and more.

FluxNet.  Long term measurements of energy, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and energy from hundreds of micrometeorological tower sites located on 5 continents and representing many ecosystems.

Global Agricultural Trade System (GATS). U.S. foreign agricultural trade data (from the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service), GATS includes international agricultural, fish, forest, and textile products trade statistics from 1989 to present.

Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC). World-wide repository of river discharge data and associated metadata.

Global Yield Gap and Water Productivity Atlas. Estimates the difference between actual and potential yields as well as water productivity for major food crops worldwide.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Socio-economic Centre. Baseline and scenario data related to population, economic development, technology and natural resources for use in climate impact assessments.

International Energy Agency Statistics Package. Detailed international data on coal, electricity, natural gas, oil, renewables, carbon dioxide emissions, energy prices and taxes, energy technology research and development, world energy statistics and balances, and forecasts.

International Energy Agency Data Archive. From the UC Berkeley dataverse

International Household Survey Network (IHSN). IHSN's Survey Catalog is a searchable list of surveys and censuses conducted in low- and middle-income countries.

Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. ICPSR maintains a data archive of more than 500,000 files of research in the social sciences and provides leadership and training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social science research community. 

Land Matrix - data on large-scale land acquisitions in low and middle-income countries.

OECD Data Explorer. Gateway to Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s analysis and data, listed by topic. 

Tridge. Global market Intelligence for food and agriculture. You may be required to create an account, and some content only available to paid subscribers.

World Agricultural Outlook Board (USDA). The WAOB maintains the monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report. This website also contains a weekly weather and crop bulletin.

World Bank Data. Worldwide data about development. Development Indicators, Climate Change Data, and more.

World Environment Situation Room. Portal to international and regional data on many aspects of the environment including freshwater, population, forests, emissions, climate, disasters, health and GDP.

World Resources Institute. Global research organization that works to sustain natural resources, focusing on environment and development: climate, energy, food, forests, water, cities and transport.

ESG Data & News

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) ratings are constructed by third party providers to grade performances for companies and geographies. See the ESG Navigator guide for an overview as well as thisGuide published by Edward Lim of the University of Connecticut.

Bloomberg (Haas only: other researchers may apply for access.) Terminals in the Business Library. On a terminal enter BESG for documentation. Scores for E, S, and G that are industry weighted. Data back to FY 2015

Compustat: Incudes Trucost and S&P Global ESG data. See WRDS' data overview. Includes Climate Analytics, carbon earnings at risk, climate change physical risk,  Paris alignment data by company, S&P ESG scores, and more.

Factiva. Click "Factiva Expert Search" and open the "ESG/Investment Stewardship" link.

Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS). From Wharton Research Data Services (Open to all UCB Students Staff and Faculty, registration required). Climate impact data, carbon footprints, emissions, carbon intensity, and company directors data.

Nexis Uni (Current single company lookups). 

  1. Select "Advanced Search" under the search bar
  2. Click the "Company and Financial" tab at the top
  3. Select "Company Profiles". 
  4. Enter the name of the company in the search box. 
  5. In the "Source" box, type "CSRHub" and it autocompletes with "CSRHub ESG Ratings."
  6. Search 

Sustainanalytics. From Wharton Research Data Services (Open to all UCB Students Staff and Faculty, registration required).Includes company reported data, third-party data and their own estimations. Data currency lags by several years.∼11,000 companies. From 2010 -.

World Bank ESG Data. Country level aggregates. "Provides a collection of indicators for sustainable investment analysis, based on a draft framework of 17 key sustainability criteria... drawn from multiple World Bank databases and external data providers."

California Data

United States Data