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Economics: Data

Statistics & Numeric Data in Economics

This page lists selected sources of economic statistics and data licensed by the UC Berkeley libraries or freely available on the web. Broken down by category: United States Macroeconomic; International MacroeconomicMicrodata GuidesFrequently Used SurveysInternational TradeForeign Investment; Companies & Industries; Financial DataDevelopment & Inequality; Demography & Labor; and Economic History.

Portals where researchers deposit economic data, and gateways to search for it include:

  • Sage Data. Easy access to US and international economic, social, and political indicators.
  • CEIC Global. Global economic and financial data. National Accounts, Industries,  Demography, Trade, Banking, Monetary, Forex, Investment, and more.
  • AEA Data and Code Repository at ICPSR. Data sets deposited in American Economic Association (AEA) journal articles.
  • Resources for Economists. Data guide with detailed descriptions from the American Economic Association.
  • EIU Viewpoint. Forecasts and data in the areas of business and politics, markets, industries, policy, and economic indicators
  • Kaggle. Searchable platform of open government and user generated data sets.
  • Google Dataset Search. Search for publicly available data and statistics.

If you need help with learning statistical analysis, data cleaning, or assistance with programming the Berkeley D-Lab. Provides assistance to Berkeley faculty, staff and graduate students with data analysis tools and methods. Also offers classes and research consultations appointments

A number of tutorials, e.g. from Princeton University and UCLA also provide helpful guidance and examples.

Data Archives Guides and Repositories

Microdata contains observations for individual units (e.g., persons households, companies, etc.) in the research sample. Public Use Microdata, mainly from government surveys, accounts for the majority of microdata used by researchers. For an excellent description please see Guide to Microdata  from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

American Economic Association (AEA) Data. Replication data from Open ICPSR repository. Free to use, registration required. Deposits include code and documentation needed for replication. Some data is restricted, in which case the code and documentation are deposited.

Cornell Center for Social Science (CCSS) Data & Reproduction Archive. Excellent resource of publicly available data sets not readily available elsewhere, including historic government data not in ICPSR or the Harvard Dataverse. Some data is proprietary.

Council of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA). Umbrella organization for social science data across Europe.

Cross National Data Center, Luxembourg. Includes the Luxembourg Income and Wealth Studies for many countries. Used to study the effects of economic and social policies on poverty, income inequality, employment, and other socio-economic outcome.

Harvard Dataverse. Housed at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS) at Harvard, this hosts the world's largest collection of social science data research.

Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). Consortium of institutions working to acquire and preserve social science data. Maintained at the University of Michigan, ICPSR receives, processes, and distributes data on social phenomena. See the American Economic Review Open ICPSR repository.

Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS). From the Minnesota Population Center. Provides census and survey microdata from around the world integrated across time and space. Registration is required and is free. Includes the following as well as many other surveys.

  • IPUMS USA, U.S. census microdata with enhanced documentation. Data includes decennial censuses from 1790 to 2010 and American Community Surveys (ACS) from 2000 to the present. Includes preliminary complete count data for several censuses up to 1940.
  • IPUMS CPS. Microdata from the the Current Population Survey (CPS), from 1962 to the present. Demographic and employment data as well as special topics such as fertility, tobacco use, volunteer activities, voter registration, computer and internet use, food security, etc.
  • IPUMS International. Harmonized International Census Microdata from countries around the world provided to IPUMS from National Statistical Offices.

Odum Archive Dataverse. Repository for Louis Harris public opinion data and Roper Center nonproprietary poll data.

Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. Leading educational facility in the field of US and international public opinion and survey data, including academic, media, foundation, nonprofits, and industry. The Center's Public Opinion Location Library (iPOLL) includes a database of poll questions asked in US from 1936 to present.

Princeton University Data & Statistical Services Gateway. Guide to microdata by subject and by country. Some of the sources listed are restricted to Princeton University but many are also freely available or also licensed by UC Berkeley.

The UK Data Archive. Houses data sets of interest to researchers from many different disciplines.  To use the services users must register online which only need be done once. Once registered, users can order data online or for popular datasets access them online using NESSTAR.

World Bank Central Microdata Catalog. Includes World Bank impact evaluation surveys, living standards measurement surveys, development research microdata, and more. The World Bank also provides guides on types of microdata useful for policy analysis and interventions.

Frequently Used Surveys

For additional info the US Census Bureau offers a convenient Census Survey Explorer.

American Community Survey. From the Census Bureau, via IPUMs. Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau  with questions about age, sex, race, family and relationships, income and benefits, health insurance, education, disabilities, employment, travel to work, place of residence, and more. See chart from the Census Bureau for guidelines on usage.

Consumer Expenditure Survey. Information on the buying habits of American consumers, including data on their expenditures, income, and household characteristics.

Current Population Survey. Demographic and employment data as well as special topics such as fertility, tobacco use, volunteer activities, voter registration, computer and internet use, food security. From 1962 to the present.

Living Standards Measurement Surveys. From the World Bank. Data on multiple indicators of household well-being, useful for assessing household behavior and evaluating the effect of government policies on living conditions.

Luxembourg Income Database. Largest income database of harmonized microdata collected from countries in Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Australia, spanning five decades.

National Longitudinal Surveys. Set of surveys designed to gather information at multiple points in time on the labor market activities and other significant life events of several groups of people. Public use files can be analyzed online using the NLS Investigator.

Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Longest running longitudinal household survey in the world, from University of Michigan with data on employment, income, wealth, expenditures, health, marriage, childbearing, child development, and other topics.

Survey of Consumers. From the Univ. of Michigan. Well known survey of consumer attitudes.

Survey of Consumer Finances.  From the Federal Reserve. Financial condition of families in the United States: saving, investment, debt payments, pensions, business ownership, use of financial institutions, credit discrimination, and financial markets. See the SDA Version

Survey of Income and Program Participation. Nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive information on the dynamics of income, employment, household composition, and government program participation.

World Values Survey.  Data on people’s values, beliefs and norms in a comparative cross-national and over-time perspective. 

United States Macroeconomic

Blue Chip Economic Indicators. Forecasts from 50-plus economists employed by US manufacturers, banks, insurance companies, and brokerage firms, plus an average or consensus, of their forecasts. Data is historical, annual and quarterly from 1976.

Business Dynamics Statistics. Created from the Longitudinal Business Database (LBD). Sources are longitudinal and track establishments and firms over time.

Center for Microeconomic Data. From the New York Federal Reserve. Includes data on consumer finance, student and household debt, credit cards, housing, delinquencies, auto loans and more.

County Business Patterns. Subnational economic data by industry, useful for studying the economic activity of small areas. Also available from the National Historical Geographic Information System.

Economic Census. United States business establishment statistics compiled every 5 years: number of establishments, sales, receipts, revenue, payroll, and employees at the city, county, state and national levels. See the Princeton University Guide to the Economic Census.

Economic Indicators. Monthly compilation prepared by the Council of Economic Advisors on prices, wages, production, business activity, purchasing power, credit, money and government finance.

Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED). Portal for U.S data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve. See also Fraser, scanned images of U.S. historical economic statistical publications and other documents.

Historical Statistics of the United States. Coverage from the colonial and pre-Federal period up to 2000.  Excellent source of information for studying U.S. history, economics, politics, and other topics.

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Data. Includes the NBER Macrohistory Database, and serves as a gateway to frequently used datasets by academics and governments.

Regional Economic Data Toolkit. Detailed consumer price data at fine levels of geography (city and county levels), state expenditures by economic function, and indexes of economic diversity.

Sage Data. Easy access to US and international economic, social, and political indicators.

Statistical Abstract of the United States. Summary statistics on the social, political, and economic organizations of the United States. Also useful for links to surveys from which the statistics are derived.

United States Bureau of Economic Analysis.US GDP and its components as well as prices, income, inflation, and special topics. Includes the Survey of Current Business (business indicators, prices, trade, labor, employment & earnings, etc.)

United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Data on inflation and prices, unemployment, productivity, wages, and more. The BLS manages the Current Population Survey (see IPUMS version), the National Longitudinal Surveys, and the Current Employment Statistics Program.

United States Census Bureau. Principal source of periodic U.S demographic data. Major programs include the Census of Population and Housing via and the American Community Survey.

International Macroeconomic

Asian Development Bank Key Indicators Database. Statistical Data from the Asian Development Bank (query at the top of the page).

CEIC Global. Global economic and financial data. Includes: National Accounts, Industries, Construction, Demography, Trade, Stock Markets, Banking, Inflation, Monetary, Forex, Investment, and more. Create an account for additional features.

Central Bank Survey Database. Collection of business and consumer surveys conducted by the world's central banks with links to the survey's website.

Consumer Pyramids Household Survey.  Anonymized responses to a continuous survey of 178,500 households in India, covering demographics, religion, caste, migration, health, financial inclusion, employment, income, wealth, consumer sentiment, time use, consumer expenditure and more. User registration and agreement with the terms of use is required.

China Data Online. Macroeconomic statistics, city and county data, industrial sector data, and census updates for China.

Cross-National Time-Series. Statistics on a range of countries from 1815 to the present on a range of political and economic series.

DBNomics. Publicly available economic data provided by national and international statistical institutions, researchers and private companies.

EPS China Data. Collection of data on China - annual quarterly and monthly data for indicators covering national, county and city statistics

Eurostat. Publications and statistics from the EU, with data in economics, population, agriculture, trade, transportation, the environment, and more.

Fineaon (Global Financial Data). Current and very long-run historical data of financial, macroeconomic and real estate data for the U.S. and other countries.

Fitchconnect. Quarterly, market forecast reports on industry sectors in 55 countries: Automotives, Chemicals, Banking, Defense and Security, Retail Food and Drink, Freight Transport, IT, Infrastructure, Insurance, Oil and Gas, Petrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Telecommunications and Media, and Tourism. There is also a database of 65,000 multinational company subsidiaries and company profiles.

Long runs of historical data and macroeconomic trends for over 150 countries: financials, interest rates, exchange rates and more.

Global Consumption Database. From the World Bank. One-stop source of data on household consumption patterns in developing countries

IMF Data. Most IMF data is located here, including the famous flagship data sources:  International Financial Statistics, Direction of Trade Statistics, Government Finance, and more. 

Indiastat. Statistical data from Indian government and private sources. Note: userid and password required. Please inquire at any Library Reference Desk.

Jordà-Schularick-Taylor Macrohistory Database.  Macroeconomic data for advanced economies (1870-2016) annually. Comprises 25 real and nominal variables including financial variables such as bank credit to the non-financial sector, mortgage lending and long-term home prices.

OECD iLibrary. Data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Includes data on economics and finance, trade, telecommunications, development, foreign aid, migration, and other categories.

Penn World Tables. Database with information on relative levels of income, output, inputs and productivity (TFP) with country and period coverage. Includes several releases of the data set.

ProwessDX. Detailed fundamentals data for all listed companies in India. Both private and public companies are included. Also contains data on ownership, governance, and mergers & acquisitions. Registration required.

PRS Country Risk Data. International political risk data, macroeconomic data, and forecasting, including measures of bureaucracy, corruption, civil disorders, ethnic tensions, inflation, terrorism, etc.

Sage Data. Easy access to US and international economic, social, and political indicators.

UN Data. From the United Nations. Wide range of economic, social, cultural, and demographic indicators: population, environment, health, economics, technology, trade, refugees, and more.

UN Comtrade. Detailed trade data from 130 countries, detailed by commodity, partner country, and mode of transport. Includes commodity and services trade at monthly and annual frequencies. Register using your UC Berkeley email to access Comtrade Premium, which offers a more powerful search interface and bulk downloads.

UNCTADStat. Data on Foreign Direct Investment, remittances, merchandise trade, the information and creative economies, and maritime transport, and trade openness indicators.

UNIDO Statistics Data Portal. International data on industries and mining from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

Universal Database of Russian Statistics. Statistical publications for Russian and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), from 2003 to present.

World Bank Data Catalog. Catalog of international economic, financial, and socio-economic data sets from the World Bank. Includes World Development Indicators featuring time series from 1960for population, labor, education, economics, the environment and more.

World Development Indicators. Time series data from 1960 for 207 countries in the areas of population, labor, education, economics, the environment and much more.

World Inequality Database.  Measures of wealth, income, income inequality, and wealth inequality for countries around the world. The site library includes data sets, working papers, articles and book chapters, and the World Inequality Report.

World Input-Output Database. Time series of world input-output tables and international supply and use tables for 27 EU countries and 13 other nations.

World Revenue Longitudinal Database. Compilation of government revenue data from the IMF's Government Finance Statistics, World Economic Outlook, and other sources.

WTO Stats Portal. Merchandise trade and trade in services statistics (annual, quarterly and monthly) as well as bilateral imports by detailed HS category. 

Company and Industry Data

Alliance for Audited Media.  Title-level statistics for newspapers, consumer magazines, business publications and farm publications back to 2013 in excel.

Business Dynamics Statistics. Created from the Longitudinal Business Database (LBD), a database available to researchers in the network of Census Research Data Centers. Data are longitudinal in nature and permit tracking of establishments and firms over time.

CEIC Global. Database covering countries in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Data items include: National Accounts, Industrial, Sales, Construction, Property, Demographic, Labor, Trade, Stock Markets, Banking, Inflation, Monetary, Forex, Investment, and more.

County Business Patterns. Sub-national economic data by industry, useful for studying the economic activity of small areas; analyzing economic changes over time. Also available from the National Historical Geographic Information System.

Dun and Bradstreet Historical Records. Point-in-time data from a collection of over 280 million private and public companies in the United States.  One file per year from 1969 through 2018 with the exception of 1981 and 1984. Variables include DUNS number, geographic codes (county, city, state, zip) sales, employees, and industry codes.  Please see:

Economic Census. Provides a detailed portrait of the United States' economy every five years about business establishment statistics: number of establishments, sales, receipts, revenue, payroll, and employees at the city, county, state and national levels. Alos see the Princeton University Guide to the Economic Census.

Euromonitor Passport.  Specializes on data and reports on consumer products and services, also includes data on industries and good data on economic conditions of cities.

Fitchconnect. Quarterly, market forecast reports on industry sectors in 55 countries: Automotives, Chemicals, Banking, Defense and Security, Retail Food and Drink, Freight Transport, IT, Infrastructure, Insurance, Oil and Gas, Petrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Telecommunications and Media, and Tourism. There is also a database of 65,000 multinational company subsidiaries and company profiles.

Ibisworld. Useful database for industry-based research. Includes three sections for the United States, China, and global based industry reports.  Industry data is available in the United States by NAICS code.

Data Axle United States Historical Business DataGeocoded records of millions of US businesses with information on each entity, such as contact information, industry, revenues, employees, and other data annually from 1997-2018. Data files are compressed and software such as 7-Zip is required to unzip them. ​The following files for using the data can also be accessed from the link above.

  • Layout Files in Excel and PDF formats.
  • Business Data Compilation (PPT) – Slidedeck reviewing data collection practices.
  • Assignment of SIC and NAICS codes (PDF)
  • NAICS to SIC conversion (Excel)

Netadvantage.  Reports about companies and industries, including industry and company profiles, stock, bond, and mutual fund analysis, and economic forecasts. Regularly updated publications include S and P's Industry Surveys, The Outlook, Credit Week, and directories of private companies, executives, and security dealers.

OECDiLibrary. Data on many topics from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). 

Orbis. Contains information on over 200 million companies worldwide, both private and public. Includes companies' financial accounts, credit scores from a number of independent providers, directorships, ownership structures, and details of mergers and acquisitions activity.

SimplyAnalytics. Requires registration. Enables users to create professional quality maps and statistical reports using demographic, business and other data. 

S&P Capital IQ.  Available to currently enrolled UCB students, faculty, and staff.  Public and private company financials and filings, private company information and investment details, M&A, industry surveys, screening and charting.

Statista. Facts on media, business, politics, and other areas. Sources of information include market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government sources. Data may be downloaded into spreadsheets and presentations. Includes industry reports.

UNIDO Statistics Data Portal.  International statistical data on industries and mining from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. 

United Nations Industrial Commodity Production Statistics Dataset, 1950-2003. CD ROM Dataset of industrial commodity production statistics from 1950-2003, measured as production sold of each commodity within each country or territory.

Uniworld. Use to identify and download lists of companies and their subsidiaries, both foreign and domestic.

Financial Data

Billion Prices Project. Publicly available retail price data from large outlets in several countries for limited years.

CEIC Global. Database of over 400,000 time series covering countries in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Data items include: National Accounts, Industrial, Sales, Construction-Property, Domestic and Foreign Trade, Stocks, Banking, Inflation, Monetary, Forex, Investment, and more.

Factset. Platform used to analyze financial data from global equity and fixed income markets, and public and private companies. Requires registration, UCB Students Staff and Faculty only.

Data Axle United States Historical Business Data. Geo-coded records of millions of US businesses with basic information on each entity, such as contact information, industry, revenues, employees, and other data from 1997-2018.

  • Layout Files in Excel and PDF formats.
  • Business Data Compilation (PPT) – InfoGroup slidedeck reviewing data collection practices.
  • Assignment of SIC and NAICS codes (PDF)
  • InfoGroup NAICS to SIC conversion (Excel)

Global Financial Data. Long runs of historical data on U.S. stock prices and macroeconomic data for countries. Long-term Financial, Interest Rate, United States Daily Stock Market, Global Stock Market, and more.

IMF Annual Report on Exchange Agreements and Exchange Restrictions(AREAR) Database. Tracks exchange and trade arrangements for all 186 IMF member countries, along with territories of member countries,

International Financial Statistics. Financial, trade, and national accounts statistics by country. Historical data is back to 1948 monthly and annually.

Mergent Online. Source for public company financials and SEC documents. Income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Includes historic Moody's Manuals which include corporate histories, financial statements, subsidiaries, long-term debt, etc.

Netadvantage.  Reports about companies and industries, including industry and company profiles, stock, bond, and mutual fund analysis, and economic forecasts. Regularly updated publications include S and P's Industry Surveys, The Outlook, Credit Week, and directories of private companies, executives, and security dealers.

Orbis. Contains information on over 200 million companies worldwide, both private and public. Includes companies' financial accounts, credit scores from a number of independent providers, directorships, ownership structures, and details of mergers and acquisitions activity.

S&P Capital IQ. Available to currently enrolled UCB students, faculty, and staff. Create an individual login before using; does not require EZProxy.  Public and private company financials and filings, private company information and investment details, M&A, & industry surveys.

PACIFIC Exchange Rate Service Retrieval Interface. Current and historical exchange rates

Pitchbook. Available to currently enrolled UCB students, faculty, and staff. Create an individual login before using. Private equity and venture capital transactions and trends.

Prequin. Private equity and venture capital transaction data and news. Information on firms, funds, and portfolio companies. Preqin is also available via the WRDS platform.

Wharton Research Data Service (WRDS). Web-based business data service from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, providing access to financial, economic, and company data.  Current Berkeley students, staff, and faculty may request an account using a Berkeley email address. Please allow 7 days for account approval, and be prepared to describe how you plan to use WRDS in your academic research.

  • Bank Regulatory. Databases for regulated depository financial institutions with accounting data for bank holding companies, commercial banks, savings banks, and savings and loans institutions.
  • Boardex. Detailed information on membership of company boards, directors and senior managers in the United States, from 1999-present.
  • Bureau Van Dyck. Global company fundamentals from the Orbis database which contains information on over 400 million public and private companies worldwide.
  • Compustat.Fundamental data for companies trading on all major United States exchanges. Data date back to 1950. Executive Compensation has data for officers of S&P 500 companies from 1992.
  • CompustatGlobal contains fundamental data for major companies on international exchanges back to 1987, as well as constituent lists for major overseas indexes - see the Compustat. Constituent Lists Global from Princeton University.
  • CRSP. Comprehensive collection of security price, return, and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock markets as well as Historical Indices and Mutual Funds.
  • Event Studies and Intraday Data WRDS Intraday Database contains stock market indicators obtained from NYSE TAQ data. Use the "event study" data sets and special software (Eventus) to upload and analyze your own events.
  • FTSE/Russell. Includes closing positions for all constituents of the 21 U.S. Russell Indexes at month end back to December 1997. Returns, market values, sector and industry classifications, and security weights are included.
  • I/B/E/S. Historical earnings estimate database containing analyst estimates for more than 20 forecast measures, covering both U.S. and international companies.
  • Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS)​. Data on corporate governance and variables related to individual board directors.
  • Mergent Fixed Income Securities Database. Issue details on over 140,000 corporate, corporate medium term note, supranational, U.S. Agency, and U.S. Treasury debt securities.
  • MSCI. Ratings and analysis of environmental, social and governance-related business practices to companies worldwide.
  • Option Metrics. Historical options data before mergers and acquisitions; exploring relationships between option prices and daily stock returns, and investigating possible cases of insider trading.
  • TAQ. Contains intraday transactions data (trades and quotes) for securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), American Stock Exchange (AMEX), as well as Nasdaq National Market System (NMS).
  • Thomson Reuters. Includes mutual fund holdings, institutional holdings, insider filing data, and Dealscan.
  • TRACE: OTC Corporate Bond and Agency Debt Bond Transaction Data, including securities and debt.
  • WRDS SEC Analytics Suite. Textual data for over 12 million aggregated SEC filings with text and html files for all 10-K, 10-Q,8-K, Proxy filings, etc, for 95,000+ covered entities

International Trade

Agricultural Market Access Database (AMAD). Cooperative effort from the FAO, World Bank, EU, OECD and other international organizations. Registration required.

CEPII.  Collection of world trade database with accompanying trade models built by CEPII, a French international trade research center. All databases are free except Except BACI - users have to demonstrate their organization has a UN Comtrade subscription.

Center for International Data (UC Davis). Includes U.S. Import and export data from 1974 to 2001, US Tarrif data NBER-United Nations Trade Data, 1962-2000 and other variables.

Direction of Trade Statistics. From the IMF. Annual, quarterly, and monthly data on the value of exports and imports by trade partners for countries, areas and world aggregates, from 1980 to present. For data from 1948 to 1980 consult the Direction of Trade Statistics Historical CD ROM.

Foreign Trade Statistics. Monthly statistical reports, imports and exports by country, trade balances, commodity trade.  Also contains historical data back to 1991, from the U.S. Census Bureau.

International Trade Centre Market Analysis Tools. Data on global trade, foreign direct investment, market access and economic standards. Includes:

  • Trade Map: monthly, quarterly and yearly international trade data and information on trading companies and markets
  • Market Access Map: market access conditions including tariff rates, trade agreements and non-tariff measures
  • Investment Map Sectoral breakdown of foreign direct investment (FDI), market access and foreign affiliates information.
  • Standards Map Information on voluntary standards for sustainable development for trade in goods and services.

ITIP Services.  Linked databases that provide information on member  commitments under the WTO's General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), services commitments in regional trade agreements (RTA).  See the statistics section for Trade in Services.

OECD iLibrary. Statistics section includes access to monthly statistics of international trade aggregates and detailed international trade statistics by commodity.

Services Trade Restrictions Database.  World Bank database that provides comparable information on services trade policy measures for 103 countries, 18 service sectors (covering telecommunications, finance, transportation, retail and professional services).

UNCTADStat. From the United Nations Conference on Trade & Development. See also the World Investment Directory, which offers FDI data by country. Includes international commodity price data

UNCTAD-Eora Global Value Chain Database. Explore trends and patterns in international production through the analysis of global value chains (GVCs), i.e. fragmented and geographically dispersed production processes where different stages are located across different countries.

UN Comtrade. Detailed trade data from 130 countries, detailed by commodity, partner country, and mode of transport. Includes commodity and services trade at monthly and annual frequencies. Register using your UC Berkeley email to access Comtrade Premium, which offers a more powerful search interface and bulk downloads.

USA Trade Online. Specific U.S. export and import information on more than 18,000 commodities worldwide at the U.S. state and port level.

WTO Tariff Data. Offers two databases: one for tariff rates at the highest level of detail, import statistics and the ability to analyze interactively.  Another provides standard statistics in less detail but with the ability to compare between countries.

WTO Trade & Tariff Data. Interactive database with data on the following:

WTO Stats Portal. Merchandise trade and trade in services statistics (annual, quarterly and monthly) as well as bilateral imports by detailed HS category. 

World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS). Statistics on trade in merchandise and commercial services at the world and regional level. Register for use with your Berkeley email address. 

Development, Investment and Inequality

Africa Development Indicators.  From the World Bank covering 53 African countries from 1961 to present.

AID Data. Data and articles from peer reviewed journals. "Aid data raw" allows researchers to subset data by donor, recipient, and purpose for multiple years.  

Center for Global Development Dataverse.  Works to change policies & practices to reduce global poverty and inequality.

FAOSTAT. Extensive data on agriculture, food supply, food security, prices, commodities, forest products, and fisheries from the FAO. Data about the U.S. government's foreign assistance funding. Includes 

Global Financial Integrity. Reports and data on illicit financial flows, trade misinvoicing, money laundering, etc by country.   

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Data on a variety of agricultural and resource topics, including  hunger and poverty, social capital, livestock and more. Also via the Harvard Dataverse.

International Household Survey Network. Catalog of survey data sets from international organizations working in development (World Bank, UN Statistics Division, UNICEF and others). 

Investment Map Sectoral breakdown of foreign direct investment (FDI), market access and foreign affiliates information.

Human Development Report Data. Statistics from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Links to the text of national human development reports from over 250 countries and regions.

OECD. Leading International Organization for Foreign Aid data. Includes International Development Statistics as well as statistical databases on External Debt Statistics and Geographical Distribution of Financial Aid Flows to Developing Countries. 

Opportunity Insights.  Research and policy institute focused on improving economic opportunity and economic mobility - uses "the power of big data to document both the decline of the American Dream and potential solutions to revive it."

Replication Data Wiki. Serves as a database of empirical studies, the availability of replication material for them and of replication studies.

UNCTADStat. From the United Nations Conference on Trade & Development. See also the World Investment Directory.

UN Data. Wide range of economic, social, cultural, and demographic indicators: population, environment, health, economics, technology, trade, refugees, and more.

UNIDO Statistics Data PortalInternational data on industries and mining with data on establishments, employees, wages, output, and female employees by industry (4-digit level of the ISIC) from 1990; and at the 2 digit ISIC for countries back to 1963.

World Bank Data Catalog. Comprehensive catalog of international economic, financial, and socio-economic data from the World Bank.

World Development Indicators. Time series data from 1960 for countries in the areas of population, labour, education, economics, the environment and more.

World Income Inequality Database. Not to be confused with item below. Information for countries on income inequalities at both cross-country and time series levels over the period 1950-2018, with a focus on the period since 1980. From United Nations University.

World Inequality Database.  Provide access to data historical evolution of the world distribution of income and wealth, within countries and between countries.

Economic History

Archival Federal Reserve Economic Data (ALFRED). Historical data on Money, Banking, & Finance, National Accounts, Population, Employment, & Labor Markets, Production & Business Activity, Prices, and International Data.

CRB Commodity Yearbook.  Via Mergent Archives. Detailed commodity data in pdf format back to 1939.

Cross-National Time-Series. Over 200 years of global economic political, and legislative data.

Dun and Bradstreet Historical Records. Point- in-time data from millions of private and public companies in the United States. One file per year from 1969 through 2018 with the exception of 1981 and 1984. Variables include DUNS number, geographic codes (county, city, state, zip) sales, employees, and industry codes. 

EHNet Databases. Historical data sets from the Economic History Association: global financial data, wages, bond trading, early securities prices, developing country exports, historical labor statistics, and more.

European State Finance Database. Collaborative research project for the collection, archiving and dissemination of data on European fiscal history across the medieval, early modern and modern periods.

Fraser. Scanned U.S. historical economic statistical publications and other documents. Includes historical runs of the Economic Report of the President, monetary statistics, the Budget of the US Government, Statistics on Income, and the Survey of Current Business.

Global Financial Data. Long runs of historical data on U.S. stock prices and macroeconomic data for the U.S. and foreign countries.

Global Commodity Database. Data can be viewed by geographic market, currency, and commodity. Data is from approximately 1260 to 1914. Most data is from Europe but selected data from South Asia, East Asia, and the Americas.

Global Price and Income History Group. Prices, wages, income, and measures of economic well-being for countries and cities around the world before 1950. Focuses primarily on the middle ages.

Historical Annual Reports. Includes over 800 companies' annual reports available as searchable pdf images. Includes financial data, Fortune 500 ranking, industry classification, key people, geographic location, and more, from 1844 to present.

Historical Statistics of the United States. Coverage begins with the colonial and pre-federal period and goes up to 2000.

Infogroup United States Historical Business Data. Geo-coded records of millions of US businesses with basic information on each entity: contact information, industry, revenues, employees, and more annually from 1997-2018. ​The following files for using the data are included.

  • Layout Files in Excel and PDF formats.
  • Business Data Compilation (PPT) – InfoGroup slidedeck reviewing data collection practices.
  • Assignment of SIC and NAICS codes (PDF)
  • InfoGroup NAICS to SIC conversion (Excel)

International Historical Statistics (E-Book Version).. Historical l data for Asia, Oceania, Africa, the Americas, and Europe, from 1750. The digital equivalent of the three famous Mitchell volumes below.

Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS). From the Minnesota Population Center. Microdata for historical surveys and censuses from the United States as well as other nations.

For historical data see NHGIS (summary tables and time series of population, housing, agriculture, and economic data) IPUMS USA (census microdata back to 1850) as well as the complete count microdata with complete person-level microdata from 1850-1940 (from 1850 to 1940 use IPUMS USA and select USA Full Count from 1790 to 1840. The full count at the household level can be found here.

Investor's Monthly Manual, 1869-1929. Historical Data from the London Stock Exchange. UK securities, sovereign debt from all over the world, as well as equity and company debt.

League of Nations Publications. From the National Library of Scotland - includes many statistical series, including the Statistical Yearbooks

Maddison Historical Statistics. Project by a group of colleagues of Angus Maddison, with the aim to continue Maddison's work on measuring long-term economic performance for different regions, time periods and subtopics.

Mergent Archives. Corporate and industry related documents from the Moody's Corporate and Government/Municipal Manuals from 1909 to the present.

Montevideo Oxford Latin American Economic History Database (Moxlad). Statistical series for economic and social indicators covering countries in Latin America for the twentieth century and beyond.

NBER Data. Enormous collection of historical data: macroeconomics, history, international trade and finance, healthcare, finance, more.

Statistical Abstracts of the United States. Summary statistics of data collected by US agencies with source notes leading to more detailed data and publications. The Census Bureau has from 1901. The St. Louis Federal Reserve has volumes from 1878 to 1949 via the FRASER database.

Total Economy Database. From the Conference Board. Annual data covering GDP, population, employment, hours, labor quality, capital services, labor productivity, and total factor productivity for over 120 countries in the world.

TRADHIST. Historical Bilateral Trade and Gravity Data set with more than 1.9 million bilateral trade observations for the 188 years from 1827 to 2014. The dataset is used to estimate the evolution of trade costs over two centuries.

United Nations Statistical Yearbook. Country data covering the areas of population, labor, agriculture, forestry, construction, consumption, transportation, education and trade from 1946. UN Data does not contain as many indicators. Also see historic print in the library.

Demography & Labor

Data.Census.Gov. Data from the decennial Census and the American Community Survey about households, education, income, homeowners, business, and more

Health Nutrition and Population Statistics. Health, nutrition and population statistics gathered from international sources. From the World Bank.

Human Mortality Database. Detailed mortality and population data on the history of human longevity. From UC Berkeley and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.

Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS). Provides census and survey data from around the world integrated across time and space. Includes the following:

  • IPUMS USA. U.S. census micro-data. Includes decennial censuses from 1790 to 2010 and American Community Surveys (ACS) from 2000 to the present. Also includes preliminary complete count data for several censuses up to 1940.
  • IPUMS CPS. Microdata from the monthly U.S. labor force survey, Current Population Survey (CPS), from 1962 to the present. Demographic and employment data as well as special topics such as fertility, tobacco use, volunteer activities, voter registration, computer and internet use, food security, etc.
  • IPUMS International.  Census microdata for over 90 countries worldwide.

ILOSTAT. International labor statistics from 1979 to the present on employment, earnings, wages, migration, strikes and more, from the International Labour Organization.

International Data Base. From the U.S. Census Bureau. Statistics for demographic, and socioeconomic data for countries and areas of the world. Information dates from 1950 to 2050.

International Labor Comparisons. From the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Labor& statistics derived from the foreign countries & the International Labour Office (ILO), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the EU.

Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics. Several data products that characterize workforce dynamics: The Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI), LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES), Job-to-Job Flows (J2J), and Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO).

Neighborhood Change Database. Contains US tract-level data from the 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010 decennial censuses with variables and tract boundaries that are consistently defined across census years. To access please  click "Login" when the user id and password auto-populate.

Occupational Wages Around the World (OWW). Wages data derived by the NBER from the ILO.

Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Longitudinal survey of U.S. men, women, and children and the families. Panel data on employment, income, wealth, health, housing food expenditures, transfer income, and marital and fertility behavior since 1968. 

Penn World Tables. Freely available data on population, national income accounts and prices, from 1950.

Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA). Program for easy web-based analysis of survey data, developed at UC Berkeley.

United States Census Bureau.  Principal source of periodic U.S demographic data. Major programs include the Census of Population and Housing.

UN Data. Wide range of economic, social, cultural, and demographic indicators for most countries and territories of the world.

World Development Indicators. Primary World Bank collection of development indicators.

UN Demographic Yearbook System. Statistics on population, births, deaths, marriage and divorce, educational attainment, housing, ethnicity, language, and foreign-born and foreign populations by country from 1948.

United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.  (BLS). Data on inflation and prices, unemployment, productivity, wages, and much more. The BLS manages the Current Population Survey, National Longitudinal Surveys, and the Current Employment Statistics Program.

Foreign Investment and FDI

CEIC. UC Berkeley subscribes to premium data sets for China, India, Brazil and Indonesia.  

CEPII. Collection of world trade database with accompanying trade models built by CEPII, a French international trade research center.  Data are provided by UN COMTRADE, ILO and others. Users have to document their organization has a UN Comtrade subscription (UCB subscribes).

China Global Investment Tracker. Tracks large Chinese investments and contracts worldwide. Details are available on over 1100 attempted transactions -- failed and successful – valued at more than $100 million in all industries.

Eurostat Direct Investments.  Includes direct investment flow breakdowns by partner country and economic activity

International Monetary Fund, Coordinated Direct Investment Survey. Also available on Sage Data and CEIC. Indicate country/region and counterpart country/region when constructing the query.

International Trade Center Market Analysis Tools. Register to access additional detailed data from the Trade Map and the Investment Map

OECD International Direct Investment Statistics. Foreign Direct Investment Data by country, partner country and economics activity for OECD Countries. 

UNCTADStat. Foreign Direct Investment Flows and Stocks by country.  UNCTAD also has a limited series of bilateral FDI Statistics and Country Fact Sheets. Additional information can be obtained from the World Investment Report  (see the Annex Tables). 

U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. International Investment Position. Detailed data on foreign direct investment involving the United States.