EconLit. Comprehensive index to scholarly journal articles in economics. It also lists books and dissertations, and indexes articles within 'collective works' (books consisting of collections of essays or individual papers). Most citations include a searchable abstract.
IDEAS. Free database on economics with full-text working papers, books, book chapters, and articles from peer-reviewed journals.
JSTOR. Includes over 1000 scholarly journals with access to more than 2 million articles. JSTOR is an archive which means that current issues (generally the most recent 3-5 years) of the journals are not yet available.
PolicyFile. Access to information in economics, politics, the environment, and social issues, taken from reports from thinks tanks, Non-governmental organizations, international governmental organizations, and other institutions worldwide.
OmniTax. Provides access to U.S. Federal and state tax information. Click on the Federal Tax tab to use the Standard Federal Tax Reporter, Internal Revenue Code, Treasury Regulations, Revenue Rulings, and all court cases
Social Science Research Network. Research network devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research.See especially the economics research network.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. Access to books, journals, and dissertations within the field of political science and related to international relations, law and politics, political economy, public administration, and public policy.
Association for Public Economic Theory. Dedicated to the promotion of theoretical research in all areas of public finance.
Economic Policy Institute. Nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank researching the needs of low- and middle-income workers in economic policy discussions.
International Institute of Public Finance. World organization of Public Finance economists: a pre-eminent academic institution for study and research on economic public policy topics.
National Tax Association. Association of tax professionals dedicated to advancing understanding of the theory and practice of public finance
NBER Public Economics Program. Sudies the effects of taxation and government expenditure programs at the federal, state, and local levels. Features the NBER TAXSIM model, a model that uses annual data on individuals to project effects of alternative tax rules.
Atlas of the Offshore World. Information about profit shifting by multinational companies and offshore wealth.
Budget of the United States Government. Collection of documents containing budgetary publications issued throughout the fiscal year.
CEIC Global Database. Detailed economic data with more than one million time series for countries worldwide, including Government Finance, and taxation.
Debt Securities Statistics. International debt statistics, including government debt, from the Bank for International Settlements.
Fiscally Standardized Cities. Allows users to compare local government finances for the largest U.S. cities across multiple categories of revenues, expenditures, debt, and assets.
Global Financial Integrity. Reports and data on illicit financial flows, trade misinvoicing, money laundering, etc by country.
Government Finance Statistics (IMF). Data on revenues, expenses, and transactions from national governments and sectors for IMF member countries. Some data also available on Data Planet. For data from 1971 -1998, access is via an ICPSR data file.
Historical Public Debt Database. From the IMF. Historical public debt database, from 1880 for G7 countries and other advanced economies, and from 1920 for additional advanced and emerging economies
International Debt Statistics. (World Bank). Financial flows, trends in external debt, and other major financial indicators for developing and advanced economies.
Internal Revenue Service Tax Statistics. Tables, articles, and data that describe and measure elements of the U.S. tax system.
OECD Tax Statistics. Detailed Tax data for OECD countries.
PolicyMap. US demographic and socioeconomic data indicators from the neighborhood census block to national levels: data on demographics, neighborhood conditions, real estate, income, jobs, education, crime, and health.
Regional Economic Data Toolkit. Detailed consumer price data at fine levels of geographic detail (city and county levels) as well as state expenditures by economic development functions (e.g. international trade and investment) and county indexes of economic diversity.
Sage Data. Easy access to US and international economic, social, and political indicators.
State Economic Development Program Expenditures Database. Detailed budget data on state economic development expenditures, starting from FY 2007 through the most current fiscal year.
State & Local Finance Initiative. Detailed revenue, expenditure and debt variables for the United States and each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia from 1977 onward.
Tax Revolt Data Set. Time-series, cross sectional data on tax and expenditure limitation policies and selected covariates, annually for the 50 United States from 1960-1992
United Nations National Accounts and Detailed Tables. Detailed government expenditures and revenue data for countries worldwide.
USA Spending.Gov. Interactive database of United States government spending by various geographies (including congressional districts), by agency, recipient, by type of program, etc.
World Tax Database. Database of country tax rates worldwide. Select the country and scroll down to the sector.
World Revenue Longitudinal Database. Compilation of government revenue data from the IMF's Government Finance Statistics, World Economic Outlook, and other sources.
These journals are specific to Public Economics, but researchers in this field also publish in other economics journals.