Econlit. Most comprehensive database to scholarly journal articles in economics. Also lists books and dissertations, and articles within collective works.
IDEAS. Free database on economics with full-text working papers, books, book chapters, and articles from peer-reviewed journals.
Social Science Research Network. Research network devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research.See especially the economics research network.
CRB Commodity Yearbook. Via Mergent Archives. Detailed commodity data in pdf format back to 1939.
Economist Historical Archive. Complete searchable copy of the Economist since it was first published in 1843 through 2007.
Financial Times Historical Archive. Complete run of the daily Financial Times from the first issue in 1888 through 2006.
Fraser. Scanned U.S. historical economic statistical publications and other documents. Includes historical runs of the Economic Report of the President, banking and monetary statistics, the Budget of the US Government, Statisics on Income, the Survey of Current Business, and more.
Global Commodities Trade Exploration and Cultural Exchange. Digitized collection of original manuscript and printed documents from around the world to support the study of major commodities.
Historical Annual Reports. Company annual reports (1844-current) available as searchable pdf images. Includes financial data, Fortune 500 ranking, industry classification, key people, geographic location, and more.
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers. Comprehensive database of British Parliamentary papers and debates from the 18th century to 2004.
League of Nations Digitized Publications. From the National Library of Scotland. Modestly called a selection of publications, this is among most comprehensive collection of online League of Nations publications available
Making of the Modern World: Goldsmith Kress Library of Economic Literature. Digital collection of books from 1460-1850 and pre-1906 journals on economics, political science, history, and banking.
Mergent Archives. Corporate and industry related documents from the Moody's Corporate and Government/Municipal Manuals from 1909 to the present day.
Proquest Newspapers. Includes New York Times (Historical with Index + 1980-current). Los Angeles Times (Historical + 1985-current). Wall Street Journal (Historical + 1984-current). Chicago Tribune (1849 - current), and The Washington Post (1877 -current).
The Quest for Labor Equality in Household Work: National Domestic Workers Union, 1965-1979 . "The collection consists of records of the United Domestic Workers Union (U.S) from 1965-1979.
Archival Federal Reserve Economic Data (ALFRED). Historical data on Money, Banking, & Finance, National Accounts, Population, Employment, & Labor Markets, Production & Business Activity, Prices, and more.
Blue Chip Economic Indicators. Forecasts from 50-plus economists employed by US manufacturers, banks, insurance companies, and brokerage firms, plus an average or consensus, of their forecasts. Data is historical, annual and quarterly from 1976.
Dun and Bradstreet Historical Records. Point- in-time data from a collection of over 280 million private and public companies in the United States. One file per year from 1969 through 2022 with the exception of 1981 and 1984 which are unavailable. Variables include DUNS number, geographic codes (county, city, state, zip) sales, employees, and industry codes. Please see:
EHNet Databases. Wide range of historical data sets from the Economic History Association: global financial data, wages, bond trading, early securities prices, developing country exports, historical labor statistics, and much more.
Fineaon (Global Financial Data). Current and very long-run historical data of financial, macroeconomic and real estate data for the U.S. and other countries.
Fraser. Scanned U.S. historical economic statistical publications and other documents. Includes historical runs of the Economic Report of the President, banking and monetary statistics, the Budget of the US Government, Statistics on Income, the Survey of Current Business, and more.
Historical Annual Reports. Includes over 800 companies' annual reports available as searchable pdf images. Includes financial data, Fortune 500 ranking, industry classification, key people, geographic location, and more, from 1844 to present.
Historical Statistics of the United States. Coverage begins with the colonial and pre-Federal period and goes up to 2000. Excellent source of information for studying U.S. history, economics, politics, and other topics.
Infogroup/Data Axle United States Historical Business Data. Geocoded records of millions of US businesses with information on each entity, such as contact information, industry, revenues, employees, and other data annually from 1997-2018. Data files are compressed and software such as 7-Zip is required to unzip them. The following files for using the data can also be accessed from the link above.
Mergent Archives. Corporate and industry related documents from the Moody's Corporate and Government/Municipal Manuals from 1909 to the present day.
Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS). Microdata for censuses from the United States back to 1850 as well as other nations. See also the National Historical Geographic Information System for U.S. census data and GIS boundary files from 1790 to the most current census year.
NBER Data. Enormous collection of historical data: macroeconomics, history, international trade and finance, healthcare, finance, more.
Statistical Abstracts of the United States. Summary statistics of data collected by US agencies with source notes, leading to more detailed data and publications. The Census Bureau has volumes from 1901. The St. Louis Federal Reserve has volumes from 1878 to 1949 via the FRASER database.
Total Economy Database. From the Conference Board. Annual data covering GDP, population, employment, hours, labor quality, capital services, labor productivity, and total factor productivity for over 120 countries in the world.
Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics. Reprints of articles and books from Cowles foundation faculty at Yale University, from 1943 to present.
Economic History Association (EH Net). Economics professional association promoting teaching, research, and publications in economic history.
Economic History Society. Supports research and teaching in economic and social history, broadly defined through publications, including the Economic History Review.
International Economic History Association. Organization composed of national, regional and international associations in the field of economic history, broadly defined, and other related disciplines.
Archival Federal Reserve Economic Data (ALFRED). "Economic data time travel" from the St. Louis Federal Reserve. Includes a section on International Data.
Cross-National Time-Series. Statistical information on a range of countries, with data entries ranging from 1815 to the present.
EHNet Databases. Historical data sets from the Economic History Association: global financial data, wages, bond trading, early securities prices, developing country exports, historical labor statistics, and much more.
European State Finance Database. Collaborative research project for the collection and dissemination of data on European fiscal history across the medieval and modern periods. NOTE - this is available on the UK Data Archive. See entry in their catalog on how to register.
Fineaon (Global Financial Data). Current and very long-run historical data of financial, macroeconomic and real estate data for the U.S. and other countries.
Global Commodity Prices Database.. Data lists can be viewed by geographic market, currency, and commodity, and can be queried. Data is from 1260 to 1914.
Global Price and Income History Group. Prices, wages, income, and measures of economic well-being for countries and cities around the world before 1950. Focuses primarily on the middle ages.
International Historical Statistics (E-Book Version). Historical data for Asia, Oceania, Africa, the Americas, and Europe, from 1750. The digital equivalent of the three famous Mitchell volumes.
International Historical Statistics. Africa, Asia and Oceania. B.R. Mitchell. Key economic and social indicators for Africa Asia and Oceania from 1750.
Investor's Monthly Manual, 1869-1929. Historical Data from the London Stock Exchange. UK securities, sovereign debt from all over the world, as well as equity and debt of foreign companies.
Historical Housing and Stock Market Data. From Robert Shiller, Yale University.
Historic Public Debt Database. Comprehensive database from the IMF on gross government debt-to-GDP ratios spanning an exceptionally long time period.
International Historical Statistics: the Americas, 1750-2000. B.R. Mitchell. Key economic and social indicators for the Americas from 1750.
International Historical Statistics. Europe, 1750-2005. B.R. Mitchell. Key economic and social indicators for European countries from 1750.
IMF eLibrary. Includes data on exchange and interest rates, balance of payments, government finance, national accounts, aggregate trade, prices, foreign reserves, and more. From the International Monetary Fund (IMF). From 1946 to present.
Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) International. From the Minnesota Population Center. Micro-data for censuses from the United States back to 1850 as well as other nations.
Jorda-Schularick-Taylor Macrohistory Database.Covers 17 advanced economies since 1870 annually, comprised 25 real and nominal variables with over 90 percent of advanced-economy output and 50 percent of world output.
League of Nations Statistical Yearbooks. From Northwestern University. Digital League of Nations statistical yearbooks from 1926-1944. Includes data on population, commerce, public finance, currency, production, prices and more.
League of Nations Digitized Publications. From the National Library of Scotland. Modestly called a selection of publications, this is among most comprehensive collection of online League of Nations publications available.
Maddison Historcal Statistics. Project from;colleagues of Angus Maddison to continue his work on measuring long-term economic performance for different regions, time periods and topics.
Moxlad. Statistical series for a range of economic and social indicators covering countries in Latin America for the twentieth century and beyond.
NBER Macroeconomic History Data. Covers pre-WWI and interwar economies: production, construction, employment, money, prices, foreign trade, and government activity. Some international coverage.
United Nations Statistical Yearbook. International country data covering the areas of population, labor supply, agriculture, forestry, construction, consumption, transportation, education and trade from 1946.
Total Economy Database. From the Conference Board. Annual data covering GDP, population, employment, hours, labor quality, capital services, labor productivity, and total factor productivity for over 120 countries in the world.
The World Economy. Online version of two famous works by Angus Maddison: The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective and The World Economy: Historical Statistics.Estimates of world GDP for the past 2000 years.
TRADHIST.Historical Bilateral Trade data set with observations from 1827 to 2014. Includes i) bilateral nominal trade flows, ii) country level aggregate exports and imports, iii) nominal GDP, iv) exchange rates, and v) bilateral factors known to favor or hamper trade.
World Trade Historical Database. Annual series of trade by polity from 1800 to 1938 by country, continent and world totals.
Economists Papers Archive. From Duke University, collection of the papers of many distinguished economists including over a dozen Nobel laureates.
London School of Economics Archive. Modern British political and economic history, in particular the work of civil society organizations, think-tanks, the development of social science in Britain, and the history of LSE.
Special Collections in the Library of Congress: Business, Economic, and Labor History. Guide to materials housed at the US Library of Congress in U.S. business and labor history.