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Anthropology Research Guide: History of Anthropology (Anth 114)


These links may help you find biographical information, book reviews, and historical information for Anthropology 114: A History of Anthropological Thought at Berkeley.

Finding Books for 114

Start with Berkeley's library catalog to find books written by your anthropologist:

By default, you're searching all areas of a book's record by keyword.

Change to search by author: "Joyce, Rosemary" to find books written by your author.

(If you find a book "edited by" your author, it may mean they collected chapters by other people.)

Book Reviews

To find reviews of books your anthropologist has written:

1. Search for reviews of books after 1982 in Book Review Digest Plus UCB access only.

2. Search for reviews of older books in Book Review Digest Retrospective: 1905-1982 UCB access only.

3. You may also find some reviews in Book Review Index UCB access only.

4. Finally, JSTOR UCB access only lets you narrow by Item Type to Reviews and limit to Anthropology journals.

To find reviews that may include articles your anthropologist has written:

Annual Review of Anthropology UCB access only has articles summarizing the literature on a broad topic like the anthropology of money. This could help you situate your scholar's research in a broader conversation.

Finding Journal Articles for 114

To find articles written by your anthropologist:

Anthropology Plus UCB access only has articles from all four fields of anthropology.

AnthroSource UCB access only has full-text from 32 anthropological journals.

Scopus UCB access only is a broader science database that has good coverage of book chapters as well as the sciences. 

If you don't see a PDF icon, look for a button that says UC E-Links to find the PDF on another site. If not, request it from another library.

You can also search Google Scholar Free or open access (click "cited by") to see newer articles which mention the one you found.

Anthro. Biographies

Biographies are most useful for senior or past anthropologists. Free websites include video interviews (Cambridge) and primatologist biographies (Wisconsin)

You can also search our catalog for printed and online reference books:

  • Women in anthropology (2010)
  • Biographical Dictionary of Anthropologists (2009)
  • Biographical Dictionary of Social / Cultural Anthropology (2004)
  • International dictionary of anthropologists (1991)
  • Women Anthropologists (1988)
  • Daughters of the Desert: women anthropologists (1988)

You can find other books in the library catalog by searching subjects like:

  • Archaeologists -- Biography
  • Women anthropologists -- Biography

Databases for biographies may also include the Biography Reference Bank UCB access only, and obituaries in American Anthropologist UCB access only.