African Development Indicators. From the World Bank. Detailed data on Africa covering 53 African countries from 1961 to present.
Asian Development Bank Economic and Social Statistics. Statistical Data for the region: see especially the Key Indicators Database.
EPS China Data. Data on China with yearly, quarterly and monthly data for indicators covering national, county and city statistics, 1949-present.
Eurostat. Publications and statistics from the EU, with data in economics, population, agriculture, trade, transportation, the environment and more.
Indiastat. Statistical data from Indian government and private sources: finance, agriculture, health, housing, transportation, and many other areas. Click login and then select IP login to access. Please also remember to logout when finished. Limited simultaneous users. Please try again later if refused.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Data. Aggregate data and surveys from the IMF in the areas of international finance, trade, investments, financial access, government finance and debt, reserves, and forecasts.
League of Nations Statistical Yearbooks. From Northwestern University. Digital League of Nations statistical yearbooks from 1926-1944. Includes data on population, commerce, public finance, currency, production, prices and more.
Maddison Project Database. Project from a group of colleagues of Angus Maddison to continue his work on measuring long-term economic performance for different regions, times and topics. Maddison's original dataset remains on the Maddison Homepage.
OECD Data Explorer. Data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Includes data on economics and finance, trade, telecommunications, development, foreign aid, migration, and other categories.
Penn World Tables. Database with information on relative levels of income, output, inputs and productivity (TFP) with country and period coverage. Includes several releases of the data set and documentation.
Sage Data. Provides access to data points from licensed and public domain datasets from local, state and international governments and organizations.
Statistics Canada. Time series data for the Canadian economy and its people: national accounts, prices, trade, demographics, historical census data, elections, agricultural, education, energy, and more.
UN Data. From the United Nations. Wide range of economic, social, cultural, and demographic indicators: population, environment, health, economics, technology, trade, refugees, and more.
World Bank Data Catalog. Catalog of international economic, financial, and socio-economic data from the World Bank. Among the many datasets offered is World Development Indicators with time series from 1960 for 207 countries with hundreds of variables.
Foreign Labor Statistics. Labour statistics derived from the foreign countries, the International Labour Office (ILO), Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the EU. From the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
ILOSTAT. International labor statistics from 1979 to the present on employment, earnings, wages, migration, strikes and more, from the International Labour Organization.
Occupational Wages Around the World (OWW). Wages data derived by the NBER from the ILO Laborsta database. Data requires advanced statistical application software.
Bank for International Settlements
International Monetary Fund
World Bank
Agricultural Market Access Database (AMAD). Cooperative effort from the FAO, World Bank, EU, OECD and other international organizations. Registration required.
Center for International Data (UC Davis). Includes U.S. Import and export data from 1974 to 2001, US Tarriff data and NBER-United Nations Trade Data, 1962-2000 and other variables.
Direction of Trade Statistics. From the IMF. Annual, quarterly, and monthly data on the value of exports and imports by trade partners for 250 countries, as well as area and world aggregates, from 1980 to present.
EU External Trade Data.Commodity trade data from the European Union. Tracks the value and quantity of goods traded between EU Member States and between Member States.
ITIP Services. Databases that provide information on member commitments under the WTO's General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), services commitments in regional trade agreements (RTA). See the statistics section for Trade in Services.
OECDiLibrary. Statistics section includes access to monthly statistics of international trade aggregates and detailed international trade statistics by commodity.
Time Series on International Trade. Database on international trade in merchandise and commercial services from the WTO.
UN Comtrade. Detailed trade data from 130 countries, by commodity, partner country, and mode of transport. Includes commodity and services trade at monthly and annual frequencies. Register using your UC Berkeley email to access the Premium version, which offers a more powerful search interface and bulk downloads
WTO Tariff Data. Database of tariffs at a high level of detail and ability to analyze online; and another for standard statistics in less detail but with the ability to compare countries.
World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS). Statistics on trade in merchandise and commercial services at the world and regional level. Register for use with your Berkeley email address.
UNIDO Statistics Data Portal. International statistical data on industries and mining from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
United Nations Industrial Commodity Production Statistics Dataset, 1950-2003. CD ROM Databset of industrial commodity production statistics from 1950-2003, measured as production sold of each commodity within each country or territory.