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International Government Data & Statistics: Key Sources


This guide focuses on data and statistical sources of international organizations and national governments outside the United States. It also includes commercial providers that facilitate access to this data and other sources such as major surveys that are global in scope.

Global Data Trends

Share of World's GDP Image

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Key Government Databases

Eurostat. Publications and statistics from the EU, with data in economics, population, agriculture, trade, transportation, the environment and more.

FAOSTAT. Data on agriculture, food supply, food security, prices, commodities, forest products, and fisheries from the FAO.

Global Health Observatory. Health and health-related epidemiological and statistical information available from the World Health Organization.

ILOSTAT. International labor statistics from 1979 to the present on employment, earnings, wages, migration, strikes and more, from the International Labour Organization.

IMF eLibrary. Data on exchange and interest rates, balance of payments, government finance, national accounts, trade, foreign reserves & more.

OECD iLibrary.  Data on economics, finance, trade, telecommunications, development, aid, migration, and other categories.

UN Data. Economic, social, cultural, & demographic indicators from the United Nations and a selection of UN affiliated or related organizations.

UNCTADStat. Foreign Direct Investment and creative and information economy data from the UN Conference on Trade & Development.

United Nations Development Programme Indicators. Includes the Human Development Index (HDI) and Gender Inequality Index.

UNESCO Institute of Statistics. Global data in the fields of education, science & technology, culture and communication.

UNIDO Data Portal.  Data on industries & mining from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

World Bank Data Catalog. Catalog of international economic, financial, and socio-economic data from the World Bank. 

Berkeley Licensed Databases

CEIC Global. Database covering countries worldwide. Data items include: National Accounts, Industrial, Sales, Construction-Property, Demography, Labor, Foreign Trade, Stock Markets, Banking, Inflation, Monetary, Forex, Investment, and more.

China Data Online. Monthly and annual macroeconomic statistics, city and county data, industrial sector data, and census updates for China. Click "direct access for institutional users."

Cross National Time Series. Longitudinal nation-level data spanning 200 years and over 200 countries covering a variety of demographic, social, political, and economic topics. 

Data Planet. Provides access to data points from licensed and public domain datasets from local, state and international governments and organizations.

Global Financial Data (GFD). Contains long runs of historical data (over 6,000 series) and macroeconomic trends for over 150 countries: financials, interest rates, exchange rates and more.  Includes online encyclopedias that describe each dataset.

Indiastat. Statistical data from Indian government and private sources: finance, agriculture, health, housing, transportation, and many other areas.  Click login at the top of the page and then select "Through IP Login" to access. Please click logout when finished. If you receive a message indicating "Maximum allowed user(s) already logged in" please try again later.

Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). Consortium of institutions working to acquire and preserve social science data. Maintained at University of Michigan, ICPSR receives, processes, and distributes data on social phenomena in 130 countries.

PRS Group Country Data. Political risk data for 140 countrie from 1980, as well as macroeconomic data and Political Risk Services (PRS) forecasting on bureaucracy, corruption, civil disorders, ethnic tensions, poverty, inflation, terrorism, and other metrics.

Russia NIS Statistical Publications.  Reports and data sets from State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics and the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Also includes i2002 All-Russia Census.

Statista.  Data on the media, business, politics, and other areas. Sources of information include market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government sources.

Statistical Abstracts of the World.  Statistical abstracts issued by the national statistical offices of foreign governments. Global and regional statistical compendia issued by international organizations are also included.

UN Comtrade. Detailed trade data from 130 countries, by commodity, partner country, and mode of transport. Includes commodity and services trade at monthly and annual frequencies. Register using your UC Berkeley email to access the Premium version, which offers a more powerful search interface and bulk downloads