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International Government Data & Statistics: Development

Development Aid

Africa Development Indicators.  From the World Bank. Data on Africa, containing over 1,600 indicators, covering 53 African countries from 1961 to present.

Aid Data.Data from bilateral and multilateral agencies at the project level. Includes data visualization tools, articles on development aid and geo-coded data at the project level. See their replication datasets with articles on aid allocation effectiveness.

d-Portal  From the International Aid Transparency Initiative. Comprehensive open source data from hundreds of national governments, NGOs and multilateral organizations.

Human Development Report Statistics. Development statistics from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 

Humanitarian Outcomes. Data from an independent group providing evidence-based analysis and policy consultation to governments and international organizations on humanitarian response efforts

International Aid Transparency Initiative.  Voluntary initiative that seeks to improve the transparency of aid, development, and humanitarian resources to increase effectiveness in tackling poverty.

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Data on a variety of agricultural and resource topics, including  hunger and poverty, social capital, livestock and more;

International Household Survey Network. Central Data Catalog provides searchable metadata from thousands of surveys and censuses conducted in low- and middle-income countries. From the World Bank.

OECD Data Explorer. Data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Includes data on economics and finance, trade, telecommunications, development, foreign aid, migration, and other categories.

UN Data. Wide range of economic, social, cultural, and demographic indicators: population, environment, health, economics, technology, trade, refugees, and more.

U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants (Green Book). Loans and grants from the US government each fiscal year by purpose and country.

World Development Indicators. Time series data from 1960 for 207 countries in the areas of population, labor, education, economics, the environment and much more;

Poverty & Inequality

All the Ginis.  From the World Bank. Compilation and adaptation of Gini coefficients from multiple international organization and private income inequality studies.

Gini Index from the World Bank.  From the World Bank databank. Gini coefficients for many world countries from 1980 to most recent. 

Luxembourg Income and Wealth Databases.  Includesharmonised microdata on income, public transfers, taxes, household- and person-level characteristics, and more, as well as measures of wealth, for high and middle income countries. 

Socio-Economic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean. From CEDLAS and the World Bank

World Income Inequality Database. Income inequalities at both cross-country and time series levels over the period from 1950 to recent years.

University of Texas Income Inequality Project.  Data from a small research group concerned with measuring and explaining movements of inequality in wages and earnings.

World Bank Poverty and Equity Data. Measures of poverty customized and taken from the World Bank databank.

World's Top Income Database.  Top income share time series for more than twenty countries to date, primarily from countries in Europe, North America and Developed Asia.

Debt and Investment

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Data. Aggregate data and surveys from the IMF in the areas of international finance, trade, investments, financial access, government finance and debt, reserves, and forecasts.

International Debt Statistics. Statistical data for countries reporting public debt to the World Bank. Includes external debt stocks and flows and key debt ratios as well as new commitments, long-term debt, restructuring, and service projections, from 1960 to present.

UNCTAD Data Hub. From the United Nations Conference on Trade & Development. 

U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. International Investment Position. Detailed data on foreign direct investment involving the United States.