Global Slavery Index. Estimates the number of people living in slavery in modern countries, from the Walk Free Foundation.
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. From the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Trafficking in Persons Report. From the U.S Dept of State. Country profiles from 2001.
European Union
IMF Social Spending Data. Trends in health and education spending in countries with and without Fund-supported programs during 1980 and 2009.
International Labour Organization
International Social Security Association. Profiles on social security programs across countries and data tables for countries in Africa and Asia & the Pacific.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
World Bank ASPIRE (Atlas of Social Protection Indicators of Resilience and Equity).
World Bank Pensions Data. Cross-country data for mandatory pension systems around the world - part of the World Bank HDNSP pensions database.
United Nations Development Programme Indicators. Includes a number of social indicators and famous indexes such as the Human Development Index (HDI).
The following data sources are for humanitarian crises (e.g. natural disasters, famine, war). Other sources of development aid can be found in other sections of this guide.
Global Humanitarian Assistance. Data on humanitarian financing and aid flow resources to meet the needs of people living in humanitarian crises.
Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX). From the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
Humanitarian Outcomes. Data from an Independent group providing evidence-based analysis and policy consultation to governments and international organizations on humanitarian response efforts.
United Nations Refugees Statistical Data. Data, reports, maps and other information on refugees, asylum-seekers, returned refugees, the internally displaced and stateless people.
United Nations Peacekeeping Statistics. Fact sheets, troop and police numbers, fatalities, and gender data for UN Peacekeeping operations.
World Food Programme Food Aid Information System. Comprehensive data on food aid flows by weight and nutrition value from the WFP.
Public Opinion Barometers
Among other things regional and global public opinion polls (barometers) measure societal attitudes values. In some cases these are raw data files and require statistical software.
International Social Surveys
The US General Social Survey is widely known but there are other regional & national surveys measuring public opinion on values.
World Database of Happiness. Research findings on subjective enjoyment of life that brings together findings scattered throughout many studies.
World Values Survey. National surveys conducted in almost 100 countries. Largest non-commercial, cross-national, time series investigation of human beliefs and values.