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International Government Data & Statistics: Microdata


Below are selected data catalogs, archives, and surveys with data for multiple countries. Several of these include government data or are sponsored wholly or in part by government organizations.   

Microdata Catalogs, Archives, and Cross-National Surveys

Council of European Social Science Data Archives. Data catalog bringing together social science data archives across Europe.

Dataverse Project. Searchable network of collection of social science research data worldwide, from Harvard.   Some of the sources listed are restricted to Harvard University.

Demographic and Health Surveys.  Assists developing countries to monitor and evaluate population, health, and nutrition programs with data on family planning, health and survival, HIV/AIDS/sexually transmitted infections, & reproductive health. 

European Social Survey.  Academically driven cross-national survey that has been conducted every two years across Europe since 2001. The survey measures the attitudes, beliefs and behavior patterns of diverse populations in more than thirty nations. 

Gesis Data Catalogue. From the Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences, the largest institution for the Social Sciences in Germany.  Descriptions and data for studies available at the Gesis Data Archive. 

Inter-University Consortium of Political and Social Research (ICPSR). Consortium of institutions working to acquire and preserve social science data. Includes survey data, census records, election returns, economic data, and legislative records.

International Household Survey Network. Central Data Catalog provides searchable metadata from thousands of surveys and censuses conducted in low- and middle-income countries. From the World Bank.

IPUMS International. From the Minnesota Population Center. Project dedicated to collecting and distributing census data from around the world. Collects and preserves data and documentation, harmonize the data, and disseminate it absolutely free.

ISSP – International Social Survey Program.  Program of cross-national collaboration on surveys important for social science research. Brings together pre-existing social science projects adding a cross-national perspective to national studies.

LIS: Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg. Microdata from the Luxembourg Income Study and Luxembourg Wealth Study with variables on market income, public transfers. taxes, household and person-level characteristics, labor markets, and expenditures.

Princeton University Data & Statistical Services Gateway. Guide to microdata by subject and by country.  Some of the sources listed are restricted to Princeton University.

Social Science Data Archives at the Australian National University. Provides a service for the collection and preservation of digital research data and to make these data available for secondary analysis by academic researchers and other users.

South Africa Data Archive, National Research Foundation, South Africa. Provides access to holdings of South African and other data sets, including Statistics South Africa.

UK Data Archive. Largest collection of digital data in the social sciences and humanities in the United Kingdom.  See registration section for non UK Users. Most data can be ordered free of charge.

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