Cross-National Statistics on the Causes of Death (1966-1974). Cause of death statistics for the populations of 125 countries or areas throughout the world.
Demographic Yearbook System. United Nations statistics on population size and composition, births, deaths, marriage and divorce and more.
Demographic & Health Surveys. Provides reports and data from surveys in developing countries on population, health, HIV, and nutrition. (Free registration).
European Fertility Project. Quantitative record of the European fertility transition documenting the decline in the number of children the average woman bears across Europe.
Eurostat. See section on Population and Social Conditions.
European Census 2011. From Eurostat. Basic census data across EU countries in a consolidated platform by NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) a hierarchical system for dividing up the economic territory of the EU. Limited data available at the municipal level.
Health Nutrition and Population Statistics. Health, nutrition and population statistics gathered from international sources. From the World Bank.
Human Mortality Database. Detailed mortality and population data on human longevity. From UC Berkeley and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
International Programs Data. From the U.S. Census Bureau. Statistics for demographic, and socioeconomic data of the world. Data back to 1950 and as far ahead as 2050.
International Migrant Stock. From the UN Population Divisison. Estimates of international migrant by age, sex and origin. Estimates are presented for 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2017 and are available for all countries and areas of the world.
IPUMS International. From the Minnesota Population Center. Census microdata from around the world coded and documented across countries and over time to facilitate comparative research.
UNData. Wide range of economic, social, cultural, and demographic indicators for most countries and territories of the world.
UN Refugees Statistics and Data. Statistics and data on asylum seekers, displaced persons, and persons of concern. The UNHCR Popstats database presents tabular data in these areas.
United Nations Population Division Datasets.
World Development Indicators. Time series data from 1960, for 207 countries. Includes population, birth, fertility and mortality rates.