Center for International Earth Science Information Network. Data sets on environmental treaties, land use, natural hazards, environmental health, climate change, biodiversity and much more.
FAOStat. Statistical portal from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN. with data on Forestry, Fisheries, Agricultural Emissions and other Agri-Environmental data.
FluxNet. Long-term measurements of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy exchange from a variety of worldwide ecosystems integrated into consistent, quality assured, documented data sets
International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation Utilities (IBNET). World's largest database for water and sanitation utilities performance data.
International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange. Clearinghouse for International Oceanographic data from the UN and other international organizations.
Kyoto Protocol Data. Contains base year data under the Kyoto Protocol as well as subsequent annual national emission reduction targets and reports.
OECD Environmental Statistics. Data on forests, water, threatened species, green growth, waste, environmental patents and more.
OECD International Energy Agency. Data on coal, electricity, natural gas, oil, renewables, emissions, energy prices and taxes, research and development, and forecasts.
Population Exposure Estimates in Proximity to Nuclear Power Plants. Provides a global data set of point locations and attributes describing nuclear power plants and reactors.
UN Energy Statistics Database. International energy statistics from 1950-2010. CD ROMs in the Library Data Lab. Data from 1990 are available on UNdata.
UNEP Environmental Data Explorer. Source for data sets used by UNEP and its partners. Includes data on freshwater, population, forests, emissions, climate, disasters, health etc.
UN FCC Greenhouse Gas Inventory Data. Estimates of greenhouse gas emissions and removals by country. See also national communications submitted by signatory countries.
United Nations Statistics Division Environmental Indicators. Data from the UN Stastics division on water, waste, biodiversity, land & agriculture, disasters, marine conditions, etc.
World Bank Climate Change Portal. Central hub of information, data and reports about climate change around the world. Query, map, compare, chart and summarize key climate and climate-related information.
World Bank Environmental Data. Natural and man-made environmental resources: fresh water, clean air, forests, grasslands, marine resources, and agro-ecosystems.
World Health Organization Air Pollution Database. Portal from the World Health Organization on outdoor pollution data and estimates.
World Resources Institute. Includes interesting data not readily found elsewhere (e.g. aqueducts, basin studies, and clean technology).