Correlates of War. Quantitative data useful for studying international relations from the early 19th century. Also includes war within political entities.
Comparative Constitutions Data. Investigates the sources and consequences of constitutional choices by collecting and analyzing data on the formal characteristics of written constitutions, both current and historical, for most independent states since 1789.
Cross National Time Series. A single longitudinal nation-level data series spanning 200 years and over 200 countries covering a variety of demographic, social, political, and economic topics. This is a licensed resource that may only be used at UC Berkeley.
Fractionalization Data. Compiled by Alberto Alesina and associates to measures the degree of ethnic, linguistic and religious heterogeneity in various countries.
Global Terrorism Databases. Open-source databases with information on terrorist events around the world from 1970. Includes data on domestic as well as international terrorist incidents with more than 140,000 cases.
International Military Intervention. Records events involving “the movement of regular troops or forces (airborne, seaborne, shelling, etc) of one country inside another, in the context of some political issue or dispute.”
Polity IV: Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions, 1800-2014. Coded annual information on regime and authority characteristics for all independent states.
RAND Database of Worldwide Terrorism Incidents. Records terrorist incidents that occurred from 1968-2009.
PRS Group Country Data. Political risk data for 140 countries from 1980, as well as macroeconomic data and Political Risk Services (PRS) forecasting on bureaucracy, corruption, civil disorders, ethnic tensions, poverty, inflation, terrorism, and more.
State Fragility Index and Matrix, Time-Series Data, 1995-2014. Provides annual state fragility, effectiveness, and legitimacy indices and the 8 component indicators for the world's 167 countries with populations greater than 500,000 in 2014.
SIPRI's databases (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). Includes data on security trends, multilateral peace operations, military expenditures, arms transfers, arms embargoes, and arms exports.
Transnational Social Movement Organization Dataset, 1953-2003. Data on the relationships between globalization, social movements, and political change. Variables taken from the Yearbook of International Organizations.
United Nations Peacekeeping Statistics. Troop and Police contributors by country, gender breakdowns, and fact sheets.
VoteWorld. From the UCB Institute for Governmental Studies, London School of Economics, and the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Data from the European Parliament and US Congress.
Votes in the UN General Assembly. UN General Assembly votes from 1946-2005, from Eric Voeten, George Washington University.
Worldwide Governance Data. From the World Bank. Indicators of corruption, rule of law, government accountability and effectiveness, regulatory environment, political stability, etc.