A comprehensive collection of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States, 1878 to present.
The United States Statistical Abstract (aka Stat Ab) is useful both as a convenient source for statistical reference, and as a guide to sources of more information, in print and on the Web (when available). Sources include the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and many other Federal agencies and private organizations. Prior to 2012, the Stat Ab was provided free of charge. In 2012, Congress cancelled funding and ProQuest has continued producing the Stat Ab.
Comprehensive statistics and quantitative facts on US history. (Statistical Abstract of the United States)
Coverage includes population, work and welfare, economics structure and economic sectors, and governance and international relations. Date coverage varies by subject with some data going back to 1790. Allows users to download tables in Excel or CSV; also download entire groups of tables as a zip file; create custom tables; merge columns from multiple tables to create custom tables, which can also be downloaded, printed, or graphed.
Since 1920, the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives has collected and published the official vote counts for federal elections from the official sources among the various states and territories.
Offers a wide spectrum of animated and interactive visualizations of how Americans voted in elections over the past years. You can also find expert analysis and commentary videos that discuss some of the most interesting and significant trends in American political history.
Provides cinematic and interactive maps, and analysis, of the Presidential elections in the US from 1840-2004. Focuses on election data to the county level (rather than state). Allows users to compare elections as well as recognize the significance of individual elections by geographic region, political party, voter turnout, voter demographics, and more.
A compilation of public opinion polls and surveys from more than 6,500 national, state, local and special surveys in the U.S. and over 60 other countries. The surveys date from 1986 and contain information on over 3,000 social, political and economic issues.
Contains domestic and international survey data. The Center's Public Opinion Location Library (iPOLL) gives online access to a database including poll questions asked in US from 1936 to present.
Data and interactive thematic maps from the U.S. Census from 1790-present.
Provides access to current and historical United States census data, including all historic decennial censuses and American Community Surveys, as well as other demographic information, such as religious organizations. Census data is current to 2010 and historical back to 1790. In addition to being a data resource, the web interface lets users create maps and reports to better illustrate, analyze and understand demography and social change.